About me


Welcome to Made By Liva! My name is Linn Veronica, a 28 year old girl living in Norway, and I'm the founder of Madebylivastore. 

I started exploring the digital art world a few years ago, and got back into drawing as therapy after losing my mom to cancer, thus the idea of my own little stationery and gift shop slowly came to life. My dream is to one day expand and open up my own gift shop :) 

I mainly started with only stickers, and gradually expanded my item range like greeting cards, keychains and memo pads. This year I'm taking it further with lots of new items that I can't wait to show you all!


Most of my items are professionally  manufactured to ensure the best quality. Some stickers I print myself, and cut by hand, therefore smaller imperfections may occur. All my memo pads/ note pads are also printed by me and cut by hand, and that's why they manily are made - to - order products as they take sometime to make. I'm currently looking into getting them manufactured as I want to make sure you all get the best quality! :) 

With that being said, alot of the illustrations are drawn by me, but some are also made with commercial liscensed clip art from other great illustrators!


So, why should you buy from a shop like mine?

  • Because you would support a small business, and that would make me really happy, and I would be able to better expand my business.
  • I would be able to make alot of new items for you, expanding my sortiment!


-Linn Veronica